7 for #7

Not that I’m counting but this is the 7th week in a row that I’ve posted and I’m supercharged that anyone is reading this. It’s nice to have some company along the ride. Here are 7 things to sum up the past week…

  1. Still healing from my surgery last week. Ugh. Recovery takes time. I am trying. I am hyper. I am tired. I wear out quicker than I want. I am taking time to be slower. When slower, I think of so many things I want to do. I am trying to make time instead of to do lists. It’s going alright. At the very least I am focusing on my breathing and resting and sending healing to myself. I am paying attention to my urgency to heal. My body is strong and resilient. The adjustment phase is a challenge for me, but I am enjoying it, with a focus on JOY. 

  2. JOY. Finding it in simple things. It is a wonderful arrival to my mindscape. Sometimes I was too busy over the years to appreciate joy. Does that sound strange? I thought I was depressed. But I was just overbooked. When not overbooked, it can be easy to lose joy again because you are too busy wondering what your purpose is. Instead, forget about it. Appreciate the mundane. This is me, talking to me, but I have to say, it’s all worth the grand efforts in pausing. 

  3. Margo Price released a book called “Maybe We’ll Make It.” I can’t wait to read it and then write a book report on it! Order it so we can talk about it too. 

MP and Margo Price at Grimey’s for Margo’s release of ‘Maybe We’ll Make it’

4.On October 15th, I’m participating in something called ‘Pen to Paper: an Evening of Words and Music’ which is in celebration of the Southern Festival of Books. I will be playing music and reading an excerpt from the book I’ve been working on. It’s at The Bowery Vault and I’ll be sharing the stage with Amy Speace and Whit Hill. 7PM-8:45. Can I admit I’m pretty excited to read out loud at this function? And even more excited to hear Whit and Amy read out loud from their upcoming memoirs!

5.Losing Loretta Lynn this week was devastating. We are so lucky to have had her for as long as we did. She just felt like a constant in this music world. Everyone has a Loretta story of some kind where either her music or she herself made an impact. I’ve seen her live several times and each time was life-changing in its own way. I love how innovative she was for her entire life, and always used creativity to deal with sticky situations. Her songs are simple yet vastly deep and worldly. I LOVE that she always persevered to be the writer and singer she wanted to be. Also I love how she took so many other women under her wing and nurtured the artist spirit that is sometimes hesitant to show itself. It is what Patsy Cline did for her, and she paid it forward for her entire life and helped many many women (and probably some men too) find their way toward their own voice and artistry.

6.I am headed to Progressive Field today to cheer on the Cleveland Guardians! I hope they win! 

7.Elton John last Sunday was a surprise ticket that came my way and his “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” show was so so good. He played the hits and did not miss a note under his fingers. His vocals were surprisingly excellent despite recent Covid. I believe the one word he missed in ‘Your Song’ was due to emotion and I felt the heartbeat of that moment and it summed up the show for me. What a legend.